Merry Christmas Ya'll!!
It's my first blog of the holiday season and I want to share some of my family's favorite recipe with ya'll over the next several days before Christmas. They'll be easy and quick - I promise - because I know how much I hate to spend long hours in the kitchen, especially during the holidays. Really, I figure, why would I do that when I can get the same results in a fraction of the time??
We all have our tried and true, treasured family favorite recipes that we only use during the holidays and I have some too. I did add a few new ones this year and I'm pretty sure they'll be family favorites for years to come. My VERY favorite is the one I'm sharing today....I cannot express to you how crazy good this stuff is, especially if you make a batch and sip it as you decorate the tree with family.
It was 1980, I was pregnant with my first son, Jeremy, and in the waiting room at my OB/GYN's office in Longview, Tx and read an article about 18th century holiday food and drinks and this one looked good so I tried it. It's got a crazy name and it's kind of like eggnog except it doesn't have eggs (the thought of raw eggs makes me gag) and it's way easier to make. When I first made it we were at my parents house for Christmas morning and when my daddy got a taste of that he was hooked. He asked for it every year up until he died and I still make it because my youngest son, Josh, loves it more than life itself. I make 4 batches every season for him. I submitted it to Allrecipes and they posted it on their site there are some funny reviews on there about it, so read them. Here ya'll go.......!

Up and Coming
1 quart heavy cream
1 cup apple cider
1 cup milk
1 cup superfine sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1 tablespoon freshly grated nutmeg (use a microplane)
Mix all ingredients, whisking well to dissolve sugar. Chill well, whisk again before serving.
This mixes well with rum, brandy or whatever, but I like it best "virginized". Yes, I know that's crazy cause I surely love me a cocktail!
Enjoy and get to decorating!
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